Staffing & Water Supply


A plant & equipment maintenance workshop and storage area is located on the property off Wyndham Avenue. A small team of gardeners who maintain and develop this extensive garden estate are employed under the supervision of its horticulturally qualified manager. It is their dedication which enables Breenhold to be presented at its best every year.

Water Supply

A reliable water supply was essential for the property, particularly during its earlier years, for the irrigation of newly introduced plants and young trees. Water is also needed during periods of low rainfall and drought, but now with a largely mature garden, such supplementary watering is less frequent. The other essential need for water has been for bushfire control. Breenhold has one main dam, located on the eastern side of The Avenue off Wyndham Avenue. This is fed by rainfall and natural surface run-off. It is connected to some 5 km of underground water piping reticulated throughout the Gardens, with over 300 surface taps outlets. This water system extends as far as the property’s western boundary, where there are 23 fire hydrants installed for bushfire fighting. There is also a second dam adjacent to Cypress Meadow. During times of bushfire fighting or back-burn control in and around Mount Wilson, NSW Rural Fire Service helicopters fill their water buckets from both these dams.

Water is also pumped into the system from a 20 metre deep artesian bore, located east of the Spanish Garden. This is used for domestic and garden requirements and supplies water of an unusually high quality.